Relaxing baby 2

Dit is mijn 2e kaartje voor Vilda Stamps voor vandaag. Met dezelfde babystempel (V713) heb ik nu een kaartje voor een meisje gemaakt. Ik hoop dat jullie deze versie ook leuk vinden.
This is my 2nd card for Vilda Stamps for today. With the same stamp (V713) I made a babycard for a girl. I hope you like this version too.
Leuk dat je bent wezen kijken!
Thank you for watching!
xxx Margreet

Di's Digi Design Challenge: Use ribbon/lace/twine 
A Gem of a Challenge: One for the girls
Crafty Catz: New beginnings
Scrapbook Stamp Society: AG with option Frame it
The ABC Challenge: P is for Pretty in Pink
Creative Craft Cottage: One for the girls
The Cutie Pie: Cute and girly
Stamp and Create: One for the girls
Whoopsi Daisy: Make it girly
Crafting Musketeers: sketch (below)


Anoniem zei…
Leuk beebeeke in roze, maar ook in blauw...:-)!!!
Creatieve groetjes, Gaby
coldwaters2 zei…
Hi Margreet I love these two cute baby cards that image is just so delightful, super makes
lorraine x
Mariken zei…
Wat is deze leuk, en ook je vorige kaart is super!!
ach wat een lieffie Margreet
Gr Karin
Beautiful card Margreet. Thank you for playing along with our Challenge at Creative Craft Cottage. We would love to see you again … Anet DTx
Unknown zei…
Hi Margaret, lovely sweet baby girl card. Great design and colours. Thanks for joining our challenge at Whoopsi Daisy and we look forward to seeing you again. Jennifer DT member x
Unknown zei…
Hello again Margaret, I am back again with another DT head on, once again your card is gorgeous lovely design and image. Thanks for sharing with us at Creative Craft Cottage and we hope you will join us again soon. Jennifer DT member xx
aussie aNNie zei…
Fabulous creation, love the colours on this one and baby one below, gorgeous and the idea you have
{The Journey Is The Start aNNie my personal blog}

Misseke zei…
Schitterend babykaartje heb je gemaakt Margreet - echt zo'n schattig lieffie en helemaal toppie!

*Vicki* zei…
So sweet again Margreet!! Love the blues and this image is just as spicey sweet in pink as well! :) Thanks for sharing!
en Margreet
Bedankt voor het meedoen bij ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge.

Groetjes Karin DT coördinator

Giny zei…
Ahhhhh.....dit is ook al zo'n lieffie.

Lieve groet Giny
Ellen zei…
Ze zijn allebei hartstikke leuk en schattig!

Liefs, Ellen
Kaija zei…
Beautiful card!Thanks for joining us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge
Welcome again and Good Luck!
Gr.Kaija DT-member
Unknown zei…
This is really sweet and beautifully done. Perfect for our 'new beginnings' challenge at Crafty Catz. Thank you for joining us and please come back again.
Anna xxx
Wat een poepie van een babykaartje Margreet! En het gaat super met mijn oogjes dankjewel voor het vragen erg lief van je. Xxx
Hazel zei…
Thanks for sharing your lovely crafting for Crafting Musketeers challenge 28, Hazel, DT Crafting Musketeers x
Mojca zei…
Oh I just love your creations, looks so very pretty! Thank you for joining us at ABC Challenge. Hugs! Mojca
cotnob zei…
A gorgeous card, such a sweet image.
Thank you for joining us at A Gem of a Challenge.
I have candy on my blog if you would like to take a look -
CraftingMum zei…
Beautiful card thanks for joining us at Whoopsi Daisy Louise DT x
Nikki zei…
Sweet card. Thanks for sharing with us at ABC Challenges.

Julie zei…
Lovely cute card. Thanks for joining us at the Cutie Pie challenge.
Shona Hamill zei…
Stunning card. Thank you for sharing with us at the Cutie Pie Challenge. Shona x

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