April showers

Ik zag dat er een leuke challenge was bij House Mouse en ik had wel zin om daar weer eens mee te doen. Het thema is april regen en ik vond het net alsof deze schatjes onder een bloemenregen zaten.

I saw that House Mouse had a nice challenge and I would like to enter. As the theme is April showers, I thought these cuties were sitting under a shower of flowers.

House Mouse & Friends: April showers
CD Sunday Challenge: Purple Crazy (I used CD House Mouse from Joanna Sheen)
Eclectic Ellapu: April showers/spring
Scribble and Scrap: Always AG
Sentimental Sundays: NO sentiment


Anoniem zei…
Fleurig modelletje!!!
Creatieve groetjes, Gaby
Bernadet zei…
Superleuke kaart Margreet!!
Joke de Wit zei…
Ohhh wat lief Margreet.groetjes Joke
Heather zei…
A gorgeous card Margreet, a lovely design and fabulous colour scheme.........your image is just delightful and beautifully coloured!!

Heather xx
Thanks so much for playing along with House Mouse & Friends Challenge
Dorte zei…
Super take on the HN&FMC challenge theme Margreet, sweet image and lovely colours, thanks for joining in with us,
hgs Dorte
carla zei…
Oh wat een mooie lieve House Mouse kaart.
Prachtige stempel en in een leuk kaartmodelletje.
Schitterende kleurencombi.
Giny zei…
Hihihi, nou die regen wil ik ook wel op mijn hoofdje krijgen.
Wat heb je er weer een leuek kaart van gemaakt.

Groetjes Giny
Scraptastisch zei…
Beter een bloemenregen, dan regen Margreet, een keigaaf afdrukje en een prachtig kaartje!!!!
Groetjes van Gerie
corryskaart zei…
een fleurige kaart en reuze leuk met deze stempel
groetjes corry
Wynn zei…
What an adorable image you have. Chosen for your creation....love it....it made me smile. Thank you for joining us at CD Sunday. Wynn DT
Richtsje zei…
Wat een lief kaartje Margreet! Prachtig plaatje, leuke kleuren en zo mooi bedacht en gemaakt! Volgens mij wil iedereen wel een regen van deze bloemen over zich heen krijgen!

Groetjes Richtje
Gorgeous card Margreet, I like the adorable image
Kevin xx
prachtige kaart Margreet, super plaatje.
Gr Karin
Beth Brovold zei…
Margreet this is a fabulous card...wonderful take on our current "April Showers" challenge...I love it!!!! Thank you for playing along with us at House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge...good luck and hope to see you again next challenge!!
Take care,
Misseke zei…
Oh wat een dotjes zijn het toch die House Mousejes. Je kaartje ermee is weer helemaal super Margreet - supermooi!
Snoopy zei…
Fabulous card, Margreet! I love your take on the April Showers theme. That's definitely my kind of shower. Thanks for joining us at House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge.
Hugs,Snoopy :D
Unknown zei…
Such a cute card, Margreet! I love the little shower of lilac blooms the little mice are receiving! I have a lilac tree myself and have had a 'dousing' of bloom showers on windier days :) I love it :) This card fits just perfectly with our Purple Team challenge of April Shower/Spring at Eclectic Ellapu this month! Thank you for joining us :) XOXO-Shari
*Vicki* zei…
AWE!! This is so very sweet!! Love the image and your coloring looks awesome!! HUGS
Andree zei…
This is so pretty. I love the colourway and the cute image.
Thank you for joining in with the Scribble & Scrap challenge and good luck x
Rachael zei…
Aww house mouse is so sweet and you've made a lovely card with him too! Thanks for sharing this with us at Sentimental Sundays x
Jocelyn zei…
Such a lovely card and a pretty image. Thank you for sharing with us.
Jocelyn x
CD Sunday DT
Pop's Cards zei…
I love this sweetie especially the shape. hugs Pops x
Sue zei…
Pretty image, can't wait for our lilacs to bloom! Love how you used this image for April Showers, really creative! Thanks for joining us and sharing your wonderful card for the House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge.

Een super schattig kaartje Margreet! Deze muisje blijven ook wel zo lief! Groetjes Marianne
Christine zei…
A beautiful design and a fabulous image. This is one of my favourite's on the CD. Wendy would have loved it, thanks for taking time to join us in our tribute to Wendy (Purple Crafting Crazy)
Christine xx
CD Sunday DT
coldwaters2 zei…
Beautiful card Margreet loving the wonderful image also the colours and card shape, excellent creation.
lorraine x
Laila zei…
wonderful make! I feel like this is a flower-shower too :)
Great job on the colouring, and a really nicely made card.

Thank you for joining EclecticEllapu.
hugs, DT-Laila
AJ Bodine zei…
One of my favorite images and you've colored it just so perfectly! Thanks for sharing with us at Sentimental Sundays this week!

AJ ~ DT Sentimental Sundays
Stampendous zei…
Fabulous coloring and a sweet idea for the House-Mouse Challenge April Showers theme.
sue-b zei…
Beautiful card, love the Image and layout, great card for our tribute challenge to Wendy(purple crazy). Thanks for joining us at CD Sunday
Sue-b xx
starcyl zei…
Such a pretty card, I'm pleased you have joined us for our Purple Crazy challenge over at CD Sunday and best of luck.

Jenny x
CD Sunday DT
Carol zei…
One of my favourite images.
Thank you for joining in with us in our celebration of Wendy.
Carol xx
CD Sunday DT
Beautiful card, I love House mouse and this is a gorgeous image

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