Deze keer willen we bij Melonheadz Friends leuke vormen zien, dus geen vierkante of rechthoekige kaarten.
Ik heb deze stepkaart gemaakt met een 'levensgrote' pinguin erop. Diverse sneeuwstermallen van Joy!crafts uitgestanst op glitterpapier. Alle randen met gesso bewerkt voor nog meer sneeuweffect.
Doen jullie mee met deze 'fun folds' challenge? Je hebt de tijd tot 13-10 en je kunt een leuke Melonheadz bundel naar eigen keuze winnen.
This time we want to see 'fun folds' at Melonheadz Friends, so no square or rectangle cards.
I made this steppercard with a huge penguin. I die cut various snowstars from Joy!crafts out of glittered cardstock and worked with gesso on all borders to create much more snow effect.
Do you join our 'fun folds' challenge? You've got the time until 13-10 and you can win a pretty Melonheadz bundle of choice.

Gezellig dat je langs geweest bent en ik vind het hartstikke leuk als je een berichtje achterlaat.
Thank you for dropping in and it would be great if you leave me a comment.
Thank you for dropping in and it would be great if you leave me a comment.
Geniet van je dag!
Enjoy your day!
Ik wil met de volgende challenges meedoen:
I want to enter the following challenges:
Squirrel's World: Penguin challenge
Stamping Sensations: Flowers and/or wings
Sparkles Monthly: Things with wings
Brown Sugar: Anything goes
Christmas Stampin' All Year Long: Non Traditional Colors
Sister Act: Anything goes
Christmas Card Challenges: Anything goes
Crafting By Designs: Get ready for Christmas
Squirrel's World: Penguin challenge
Stamping Sensations: Flowers and/or wings
Sparkles Monthly: Things with wings
Brown Sugar: Anything goes
Christmas Stampin' All Year Long: Non Traditional Colors
Sister Act: Anything goes
Christmas Card Challenges: Anything goes
Crafting By Designs: Get ready for Christmas
Groetjes Richtje
The Journey is the Start
groetjes corry
My Blog: Stamp Smiles
Creatieve groetjes, Gaby
-xies- Renate.
Dawn xx
Hoi Margreet,
Dat is echt een leukerd,
toffe kaart ☺
Gezellige en fijne nieuwe (knutsel) week ☼
Liefssss Erica
Tracey, DT
Kevin xx
Thanks for joining us at Christmas Card Challenges for our Anything Goes Challenge!
Monica - CCC DT
B x
groetjes Henriëtte
lorraine x
Thank you for playing with us over at Crafting by Designs & good luck! :)
Sanja, DT
Thank you for playing along with our challenge at Sparkles Monthly Challenge. Good luck!
Happy crafting.
Hugs Helen P (DT) xx