Design Team Call at TTT

Top Tip Tuesday is having a DT call....I´m considering to enter....there´s also a candy to win


Unknown zei…
Good Luck Margreet for the DT Call xx
Suzi Mac zei…
Good luck Margreet, they will be very lucky to have you.
Suzi x
coldwaters2 zei…
Oooo Margreet you should go for it they would be pleased to have you I will wish you good luck.
Lorraine x
Caroljenks zei…
I'm so glad you're thinking of entering Margreet :)

Thanks for displaying our Call Banner too :)

Good Luck :)

Carol (TTT)
Dorte zei…
Good luck Margreet.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
hugs Dorte
Anoniem zei…
Hi Margreet, Thank you for displaying our Call banner and good luck with the candy! be good to see you on the DT call too! :) hugs Samantha (TTT) :)

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