
De titel is lente, maar vandaag is daar jammer genoeg weinig van te merken. De lucht is grijs en het regent. Dus ik hoop wat zonneschijn te brengen door dit kaartje.
Dit lieve stempeltjes is één van de nieuwste Stampavie stempels, genaamd Sweet Spring van Penny Johnson. Ik heb haar uitgeponst met Nestabilities Labels Eight. De rand is gedistressed met Victorian Velvet van Tim Holtz en de stippen op de paddenstoel heb ik met Puffy Paint gemaakt. Het prachtige papier is een nieuwe lijn van My Mind's Eye en heet Stella Rose. Het is dubbelzijdig en binnenkort hoop ik er nog meer van te kunnen laten zien. Ik vond het rode stippellint leuk passen bij het papier en de paddenstoel. De rozen zijn van Wild Orchid Crafts en de bloemetjes en blaadjes eronder zijn gehaakt door mijn moeder. Zij heeft hiervoor DMC garen gebruikt. Alle materialen zijn verkrijgbaar bij 't Bezige Bijtje.
The title says Spring, but unfortunately it is not true because it's a grey sky and a lot of rain is falling down. So I hope I can bring you some sunshine with this card.
This darling stamp is one of the newest from Stampavie and is called Sweet Spring by Penny Johanson. I punched with nesties Labels Eight, distressed with TH Victorian Velvet and made the dots on the mushroom with white Puffy Paint. The beautiful papers are the new My Mind's Eye's Stella Rose. It is doublesided and I hope to show you soon more of it. I liked the dotted ribbon matching the papers and mushroom. Roses are WOC and my mother crocheted the underlaying white flowers and leaves. She he used DMC thread. All is available at 't Bezige Bijtje.
Hier een close-up van de bloementoef. Zo kun je ook goed de gehaakte bloemen en blaadjes zien. Ze zijn door mijn bijna 84-jarige moeder gemaakt.
Here a close-up of the flower arrangement. In this way you have a good view on the crocheted flowers and leaves. They are made by my mother who's almost 84 years old.

Ik wil met de volgende challenges meedoen:
I want to enter the following challenges:
I Dit It Creations: Punches or dies
Crafty Emma: Flowers and flutterby's
One Stop Craft: Spring flowers
AllSorts: Make your own flowers
Create with Connie and Mary: Colour inspiration
Crazy4Challenges: Flowers
Wags 'n Whiskers: Punches
Incy Wincy: Spring is in the air
Pear Tree Designs: Ribbon
Die Cut Dreams: Spring garden scene
Wild Orchid Challenge: Anything goes

Heel leuk dat je even langskwam en bedankt voor je bezoekje. Ik zou het heel fijn vinden als je een berichtje achterlaat!
So kind of you to stop by. I appreciate it very much when you leave me a comment. It makes my day!


Erica ♥ zei…
Je kaartje is zo mooi en vrolijk, die stempel is helemaal geweldig, dat moet een regenachtige dag zeker goed maken. Grtjs, Erica.
miriam zei…
Mooie kaart margreet

liefs miriam
Misseke zei…
superleuk kaartje met leuke kleurtjes, Margreet - dikke pluim voor je moeder ook - héél mooi die gehaakte bloemetjes en blaadjes ;)

Groetjes, Misseke
Tinie zei…
Wat een prachtige kaart, heerlijk die kleuren, schitterend!!!

Groetjes Tinie
Brenda Brown zei…
O wow Margreet another stunning card and those crochet flowers made by your Mum are gorgeous. It is grey and wet here too, but your card brings some sunshine to my craft roo. Thank you.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
Adrina zei…
Wat een lekker vrolijk kaartje!!
love the image! Thanks for joining us at Pear Tree Designs this week for our 'ribbon' challenge! Good luck

Unknown zei…
What a gorgeous card Margreet, & your mum is so clever making those flowers, bless her. Beautiful
Erum Tasneem zei…
Super duper adorbs! Brilliant!
Anoniem zei…
Margreet, this image is so sweet!! Beautifully colored and such gorgeous flowers too!! HUGS
* Üla * zei…
Lekker vrolijk en lief kaartje, Margreet. Precies wat ik nodig heb de laatste dagen. Het plaatje is erg schattig en het bloemenboeket erg mooi gemaakt(ook door jouw moeder). Misschien toch nog zelf leren... je bent er nooit te oud voor zeggen ze ;D
liefs Ula
Pop's Cards zei…
Hi sweetie, this is really gorgeous, loving your colours, biggest of hugs Pops x x
Susie zei…
Gorgeous card, such a sweet image and love the ribbon detail. Thanks for joining us at Pear Tree Designs this week and good luck xx
Mina zei…
gorgeous Margreet, that image is a real cutie and I love your crocheted flowers
Mina xxx
Awesome card. I love it and the flowers are really cool. Thank you for joining us at IDIC
Shelley zei…
This is stunning, love the flowers. Thanks for joining in Craft Your Days Away Challenge. Hugs Shelley xx
kaylou zei…
ahhh this is really cute,thank you for joining our flowers and flutterbys challenge at CES.
Hugs Kaylou xx
Mrs A. zei…
What a really pretty card and your Mum's crochet flowers are oustanding.
miriam zei…
dag margreet

Even op je vraag over het kastje in de etalage

ja dat klopt diana gaat daar een keer een workshop mee geven is de bedoeling.

gr miriam
Great card!....

Thanks for making your own flowers this week for the Allsorts Challenge

Emma xxx
Else Irene zei…
Very sweet! Thanks for playing with us at WOC ♥
Lou Mac zei…
What an adorable image. I love the polka dot ribbon and all of those flowers look amazing!!

Thanks for joining us over at Pear Tree Designs in our 'One Colour' challenge - good luck.

Lou Mac. xo
Jeanette zei…
I love this. Your flowers are gorgeous. Thanks for joining us at I Did It Creations.
Wat een fleurig kaartje Margreet, super mooi!
Groetjes van Jacqueline
Julie zei…
Oh wow - awesome card!! Beautifully coloured image and that flower is divine. Thanks for sharing it with us at CES challenges this week, Juliex
Liz zei…
Beautiful card thanks for playing with the sketch at CYDA

Liz xx
Amanda zei…
Lovely card, the image is so sweet and coloured beautifully - thanks for joining in with our challenge at Craft Your Days Away.

Crafty Creations by AJ
Stef H zei…
hey sweetie! love the card. definitely says spring and boy could we use that here in the midwest. it's still cold but a nice cold.

yeah, hubby is not a happy camper. he just can't believe how his heart got so bad so fast. i told him... he's had heart problems since before 1997 when he had his triple bypass. i don't think that's fast!!! it's been coming. sheesh. he thinks (thought) he was invincible. told him only women were! lol.

hugs :)
Jacilynn zei…
how pretty. love the flower bundle!
cheryl zei…
oh this is just gorgoues hun just love that image and your flowers are beautiful hugs cheryl xxx
Unknown zei…
OMG what a fun stamp, this is gorgeous and your flowers are so scrummily beautiful xxx
coldwaters2 zei…
Wow Margreet this is stunning your design and that image look so very beautiful.
Lorraine x
gina g zei…
Gorgeous card I love the colours image and papers. Thanks for joining us at the OSCC this week. luv gina xx
Jeanette zei…
This is so sweet. Love the bright and cheery colors. Thanks for joining us at I Did It Creations
Mummylade zei…
that is such a cute image. Thank you for entering the DCD challenge this fortnight and good luck!

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