2nd post: Award from my new boss at OSAAT

From July 4th I'm a proud DT Member of OSAAT. My new 'boss' Cheryl received this award and passed it on to all her new DT friends.
So, I am very honoured and will pass it on to my DT friends at Prairie Fairy!
This is my 2nd post for today.........please scroll down to see my last card.
xxx Margreet


Terry zei…
Hai Margreet, geweldig zeg meis wat heerlijk je bent DT geworden bij OSAAT.....Van harte gefeliciteerd hoor meis en ik wens je heel veel plezier hoor en dat zal vast gaan lukken......En dank je wel voor je Award hoor wopsie, ik voel me vereerd.....Dank je wel hoor meis...veel liefs Terry xxxx
cheryl zei…
oh hunny you make me laugh new boss,he he makes me sound so important,lol,bless you sweetie,great to have you on board,hugs cheryl xxxxxxxxxx
Hetty zei…
Van harte gefeliciteerd

gr hetty
Unknown zei…
Oh Margreet!!! How wonderful! Congratulations sweety! OSAAT is VERY lucky to have you!
Thank you for the award Margreet, it's very thoughtful of you. Big hugs Viv xxx
raindropecho zei…
Awww, thank you, Margreet! You're so sweet :) Congrats on your DT position!!
CONGRATS, Margreet! I LOVE OSAAT!! They are one of my favorite challenges. So sweet of you to share this award. I can't post it to my blog right now as I'm on vacation and relying on my phone for blogging.

* Üla * zei…
Gefeliciteerd Margreet!
Dat heb je zeker verdiend, dus geniet lekker ervan!

En je had 100% gelijk, het kikkertje heb ik dus wel bij jou eerst gezien! 8D
Meteen het berichtje aangepast.
groetjes Ula

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