Beterschap / Get well

Ik had een beterschapskaartje voor een man nodig en dan denk ik meteen aan mijn favoriete zuster Gillian van Prairie Fairy. Ik vind haar zo leuk met die afschrikwekkende spuit in haar hand!
I needed a men's get well card and then I'm always thinking of my favourite Nurse Gillian from Prairie Fairy. I so love her with that scary needle in her hand!

Ik wil met de volgende challenges meedoen:
I want to enter the following challenges:
Sketch Saturday: Sketch
Stamp-N-Doodle: Masculine and NO flowers
All Things Unity: Masculine
Creative Belli Blog: Letter G (green DP and green cardstock, nurse Gillian)
My Mum's Craft Shop: For the boys
Ladybugs Craft: Use red
Shopping our Stash: Use a neglected tool (Quickutz photo corner die)
Tuesday Throwdown: Masculine card
Rainbow Lady's Challenge Blog: Digi Day
Mad for Markers: Brown Hair Challenge

Card recipe:
Designpapers: My Mind's Eye (Wild Asparagus)
Image: Prairie Fairy's nurse Gillian
Colouring: Copics
Tools:Nestabilities (oval + scalloped oval), Quickutz (photo corner die) and Martha Stewart (border punch)
Other: ticket stamp, buttons

Ik hoop dat je genoten hebt van je bezoekje aan mijn blog. Ik zou het heel fijn vinden als je een berichtje achterlaat!
So kind of you to stop by. I appreciate it very much when you leave me a comment. It makes my day!


corryskaart zei…
hoy margreet
wat een geweldige kaart met een echt goeie DIGI!
groetjes van corry
Lori zei…
Oh so cute, I just love looking at Gillian, she makes me smile every time!
Berry zei…
Such a cutie Margreet! She is fab Hugs Rebekah xx
coldwaters2 zei…
Awww what a fab, fun card Margreet these images always make me smile and your colours, papers and design look great.
Lorraine x
Mariken zei…
Wat een grappig kaartje Margreet!
Gr-jes Mariken.
Sue zei…
fab card and great image, thank you for joining us at MMCS
Brenda Brown zei…
Fabulous card Margreet but I don't think any man would want a hug with her, not with that needle in her hand.
Hope you are OK.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
Tinie zei…
Wat een geweldige kaart, met een prachtige digi!!!

Groetjes Tinie
Robin Parker zei…
Love Nurse Gillian. The green designer paper is fab too! Thanks for sharing on the Belli challenge.
Stef H zei…
not to mention her expression... like... oh yeah, here i come! bend over NOW!!! lol.

super, super fabulous.

keep me posted on your hubby. you're always in my prayers.

hugs :)
* Üla * zei…
Een super leuk beterschapskaartje voor een man, Margreet. Niet te veel poespas en de sketch, stempel en kleuren maken het helemaal af!
liefs Ula
wat een mooi kaartje! erg leuk afdrukje ook zeg
groetjes, Mandy
José zei…
Ze is weer leuk Margreet, die nurse Gilian, die kan de mannen wel in toom houden;0)
Groetjes José
Hetty zei…
Wat een super mooi kaartje

gr hetty
pinky zei…
Love this cute fun card! Thanks for joining us at LCI this week.
cheryl zei…
oh this is one brilliant card hun great image and your coloring is just perfect hugs cherylxxxxxx
Melissa zei…
Great card. I am sure it will cheer someone up.
thanks for joining in at Mad for Markers.
Faye zei…
So adorable, Margreet. Love the beautiful coloring.
miriam zei…
wat een leuke kaart

gr miriam
Emma zei…
An adorable card Margreet, love the image and colours. It's sure to brighten anyones day.
Hugs Emma x
Rainbow Lady zei…
Thanks for sharing this strange looking person lol.
Love Cynthia x
Michelle zei…

What a fabulous fun card!!

Thank you for joining in the Brown Hair challenge over at Mad For Markers.

Michelle :-)
Riet zei…
Wat een geweldige kaart Margreet.

Liefs Riet.
Anoniem zei…
Oh she's such a cutie pie!! LOVE the freckles and colors here!! :) Brilliant design hun!! Enjoy your weekend too!! HUGS
Faye zei…
This is a brilliant card, with a fab image (made me smile) and super colours. Thanks for playing at MMCS this week. x
Een heel leuk beterschapskaartje, daar kikker je wel van op, prachtig!
Groetjes van Sjakkie
Bente zei…
Wonderful card, lovely papers and details.
Thanks for joining us at Sketch Saturday this week.
Hugs, Bente
Bernadet zei…
oooow wat is dit toch een gave digi Margreet. Ik ben er dol op.
Heb ook een paar digi's van Prairie Fairy maar 't komt er gewoon nog niet van om deze cutie's te gebruiken:w
Susan zei…
A beautiful card! Love the Nurse Gillian image. Thanks for joining in the Brown Hair Challenge at Mad for Markers.
Susan xxox
Anneke zei…
Leuk kaartje! Daar kikker je wel van op :)
Groetjes Anneke
Unknown zei…
Lovely card!
Thanks for joining in our Brown Hair Challenge at Mad for Markers and good luck!
Alicia xx
Anoniem zei…
hi margreet! this is so cute! i bet hwo ever gets it will feel so good. love the design and those buttons. yep, love it to bee on the two teams with you,yay! see ya!hugs!
Gorgeous card, lovely colouring thanks for joining us at mad for markers hugz ashlee
Pauline zei…
What a fun image! Thanks for sharing!
Pauline - SNB DT
Very Cute
Thanks for playing along at M4M
Mel B
starcyl zei…
You wouldn't argue with this lady! You've made a great card with this image. Thanks for sharing with us at Rainbow Lady's this week.
Jenny x
Anoniem zei…
Such a sweet get well card. That image is darling, and you colored it beautifully! Thanks for sharing this with us at Tuesday Throwdown! :-)
Unknown zei…
Wow magnific card.
Thank for your participation at Stamp-n-doodle this week.
Good luck
cowboydutrem zei…
What a fun-looking nurse! Thanks for playing in the Ladybug Crafts Ink red challenge!
Jen zei…
That is a very scary needle, great card. Thank you for sharing with us at Rainbow Lady's this week.
Jen x
Sammi zei…
such a sweet card!!

Thanks for joining in Mad for Markers Colouring brown hair challenge!! :D
Sorry for my delay in commenting!
Mary Marsh zei…
This is such a sweet card-thanks for playing along with the belli girls in our “g” challenge

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